Friday, September 3, 2010

Why Congresswoman Judy Chu is supporting Proposition 27

According to a September 2, 2010, press release from the “Yes on 20/No on 27” campaign, “Congresswoman Judy Chu has contributed more than $600,000 in support of Prop 27.”

Here is a statement sent to Etopia News today from Congresswoman Chu’s office stating her reasons for supporting Proposition 27:

“I’m a strong supporter of Proposition 27, Financial Accountability in Redistricting (FAIR), because it ensures a fairer redistricting process. Unlike Prop 20, which sets up a totally new redistricting commission, California’s voters can hold the people who determine our state’s redistricting accountable for their decisions. These decisions are simply too important to leave solely in the hands of three randomly selected, unelected accountants which would determine the membership of this commission. Commissions take power away from the people and their elected representatives, and gives it to faceless, non-accountable bureaucrats.

“Not only that, Prop 27 will also save CA taxpayers millions of dollars by cutting wasteful spending on unnecessary new bureaucracies, at a time when our state is facing an unprecedented economic crisis and cannot even pass a budget. Finally, Prop 27 puts in new rules to prevent cities and counties from being split and requires precise population equality for all districts. Unlike current law where there can be population variations by as much as 1,000,000 people, Proposition 27 mandates precise population equality for all districts. ‘One person, One vote’ should be the law in California!”

1 comment:

Soquel by the Creek said...

Vote NO on Proposition 27! Protect the previously passed redistricting reform and stop this naked power grab.

Proposition 27 Revealed!

Which self-serving California politicians and their party are apparently afraid of free and fair elections?

CHART: Members of Congress Supporting Prop. 27

CHART: California Legislators Supporting Prop. 27

Which special interests are protecting their multi-million dollar investments in California's politicians-for-hire?

Which well-connected big-money donors, many from out of state, are funding Proposition 27? There are at least four billionaires among the list.

How are they inter-related and what does this reveal about these politicians and their party?

Those funding Proposition 27 should be ashamed of their efforts that stand in the way of free and fair democratic elections!